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Planning Board Minutes 11/02/06

Minutes of the November 2, 2006 Meeting

Members & Staff Present:
        Mary Allen                      Bob Edwards                     Mike Genest
Bradley Houseworth              Renee Rabideau          Andrew Robblee          Ed Rowehl                       Brian Sawich                    Alex Snow                       Paul Vasques                    Kathi Wasserloos

Members & Staff absent:
        Fred Anderson           Scott Burnside                  
Public Attendees:
        Loranne Block           Richard Block           Bonnie DuBrino
Greg Halverson          Casey Hayes                     Bill Prokop             Kim Watts                       Sean Watts                      Amy Zaluki-Stone

The members convened at 6:45 PM and reviewed the documentation on the agenda prior to the start of the meeting.  Chairman Edwards called the meeting to order at 7:15 PM and appointed Mr. Snow to sit for Mr. Anderson and Ms. Allen to sit for Mr. Burnside.  Ms. Rabideau and Mr. Robblee recused themselves from the first two public meetings scheduled for this evening but then rejoined the Board for the rest of the meeting.  Chairman Edwards asked the Board to introduce themselves and explained the procedure of the public meetings.

Murdough, Estate of Darrell S. File # 2006-19PB:  Chairman Edwards continued the public meeting on the request of the Estate of Darrell S. Murdough for a Minor Subdivision. The applicants propose to subdivide property on 22 Old Turnpike Road, Antrim, NH, Tax Map 7, Lot 44 in the Highway Business and Rural Districts into two (2) lots.  Chairman Edwards stated that the public meeting was continued in order to review test pit data that was to be submitted by the applicant to the Board in order to determine if the newly created lot is a buildable lot.  Mr. Vasques stated that Mr. Mellen hasn’t yet provided the test pit data, which is one of the conditions of approval.  He explained that once the test pit data is submitted, the Board can ascertain as to whether or not the lot is a buildable lot and the final mylars will be signed upon completion of all of the conditions of approval.  Ms. Rabideau stated that the test pit is scheduled to be done on Tuesday, November 7, 2006.  Chairman Edwards continued the public meeting to November 16, 2006 at 7:30 PM.

Robblee, Andrew and Bess - File # 2006-21PB:  Chairman Edwards asked Ms. Allen to act as chairman pro-tem and recused himself.  Chairman Allen continued the public meeting on the request of the Andrew J. & Bess L. Robblee Rev. Trust for a major subdivision of property at 115 Pierce Lake Road, Antrim, NH 03440, Tax Map 7A, Lot 100 in the Rural and Lakefront Residential Districts. The applicant proposes to divide the property into five lots.  Chairman Allen stated that the Board has accepted the application, held the public hearing, continued the public meeting, and is currently in the deliberation period.  She stated that the Board conducted a site walk on the property on Oct. 30, 2006.  Chairman Allen reiterated the two main issues that concerned the Board prior to the site walk: 1) the proposed driveway locations for the new lots and the existing frontage on Pierce Lake Road, and 2) the topography and slope of the land that lies above the ‘match line’ on the plans, which is the area for which the applicants have submitted a written waiver request.  Ms. Allen explained that the wetlands had been delineated on the entire parcel but the topographical contours were only completed on the western areas of the proposed lots that lie between the ‘Match Line’ on the plan and Pierce Lake Road.  Mr. Houseworth explained that the reason for the waiver is that a sufficient amount of topographic data was taken on the ground and has been supplied to the Board to show that each of the proposed lots meets or exceeds the lot size requirements of the Town of Antrim Zoning Ordinances.

Chairman Allen asked the Board to approve the Planning Board’s Site Walk meeting minutes.  Ms. Wasserloos made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 30, 2006 site walk meeting as corrected which was seconded by Mr. Snow and unanimously passed.  Chairman Allen asked the Board to vote on the granting of the written waiver request first before going through the checklist.  Mr. Snow made a motion to grant the written waiver request to the checklist item B.3.a (18) of the Antrim Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations which requires: “The existing grades, drainage systems and topographical contours at intervals not exceeding five (5) feet, with spot elevations where the grade is less than two (2) percent. Also, all low points, and high points and other areas needing spot elevations shall be shown using dashed lines.  Contour lines are to be field run or photogrammetric and not interpolations of USGS maps.  The source of the data shall be shown.”  The motion was seconded by Mr. Genest and unanimously passed.

Chairman Allen asked Mr. Houseworth to review the checklist.  Mr. Houseworth reviewed the checklist with the Board, addressing the items on the checklist that were deemed by the planning staff to be incomplete or not satisfied.  Regarding checklist item C.1.b (6) requiring: “Approval of the New Hampshire Department of Transportation or the Antrim Road Agent for siting driveways & curb cuts with adequate lines of sight,” Mr. Houseworth stated that the Road Agent has visited the site but won’t give a written approval to the Board until the location of the driveways and the boundaries of the proposed lots are flagged and clearly delineated along Pierce Lake Road.  The Road Agent told Mr. Houseworth that he would provide a written approval to the Board once the applicant flagged the proposed locations of the driveways and the boundaries of the new lots.  After a short discussion, the Board decided to make this item a condition of approval of the application.

After reviewing the checklist, Mr. Genest made a motion to conditionally approve the application of Andrew J. & Bess L. Robblee, File # 2006-21PB for a major subdivision of property located at 115 Pierce Lake Road, Antrim, NH, Tax Map 7A Lot 100 located in the Lakefront Residential & Rural Districts. The applicant proposes to divide the property into five parcels.  The following conditions apply to this approval:
Planning Board requirements, commitments and agreements made by the applicant and/or his agent as recorded in the meeting minutes dated October 19, 2006 and subsequent meetings as they pertain to this application are a conditional part of this approval.
The applicant is to obtain a building permit for any construction or alteration and adhere to all building, health and fire codes.
Subject to Planning Board approval of a report from the Road Agent.
Subject to the completion of items 1, 4, 5, 9, 11, and 26 on the checklist prepared for the November 2, 2006 meeting.

Mr. Snow seconded the motion.  Roll Call Vote: Mr. Rowehl – aye, Mr. Genest - aye, Mr. Sawich – aye, Mr. Snow – aye.  The application has been approved.  Mr. Vasques advised the applicants that they will receive an official notice of decision.

Steele Pond Development, LLC – File # 2006-22PB:  Mr. Edwards, Mr. Robblee, and Ms. Rabideau rejoined the Board.  Chairman Edwards opened the public meeting on the request of Steele Pond Development, LLC for a minor subdivision of property at 11 Old North Branch Road, Antrim, NH 03440, (Tax Map 8A, Lot 8) in the Rural and Lakefront Residential Districts.  The applicant proposes to divide the property into two lots.  Chairman Edwards asked Mr. Vasques to read aloud the public notice that was posted by the planning staff and asked if the public hearing was properly advertised.  Mr. Vasques read aloud the public notice, stated that the notice was advertised in the ‘NH Contender,’ and explained that all abutters were notified and all receipts were returned.  Chairman Edwards asked the Board to introduce themselves and asked the applicants to present their proposal.

Casey Hayes introduced himself to the Board, stated that he is a land surveyor in Stoddard, and explained that he is representing Steele Pond Development, LLC, for a minor subdivision of a 19 acre property off of Old North Branch Road.  He stated that the Town has an application on file for an excavation and reclamation permit for this property and, through a course of actions, the applicant has decided to sell approximately fourteen (14) acres of the property to the Town instead.  He explained that the applicant is proposing to subdivide the property into two (2) lots: one being retained by the applicant, consisting of approximately 5.1 acres around the existing building, and one being sold to the Town of Antrim which consists of the remainder of the lot.  Mr. Hayes explained that the plans currently in front of the Board show the boundary of the entire tract, the proposed lot lines of the two lots, and the existing structures and driveways.  He stated that he has brought updated plans to the meeting that satisfy approximately 90% of the items in the final submission section of the checklist.  

Mr. Hayes explained that at the time of the application submittal, he was not clear if the Shoreland Protection Act would have jurisdiction over the subdivision approval of this property.  He stated that the NH DES Subsurface Bureau is very short handed at this time and he has not been able to get a clear answer on the issue.  Mr. Hayes stated that because the property is on Steele Pond, he is assuming at this time that it does fall under the jurisdiction of the Shoreland Protection Act and he will be required to submit application materials to the State of New Hampshire for subdivision approval.  Mr. Hayes explained that the State is going to require a topographical contour plan of the subdivision, all the wetlands to be delineated and other information on the Board’s checklist that he was originally going to submit a written waiver request for.  He stated that although it is a little confusing the way the submittal is at the current time, he stated that if they do have to go to the state, all of the items on the Board’s checklist will be satisfied prior to final approval.
Chairman Edwards explained that when the Board looked at the checklist, there were a tremendous amount of items that were missing or not complete.  Mr. Hayes agreed but explained that he will provide the necessary information during the approval process and he feels that they have provided enough information to be substantially complete in order to invoke jurisdiction over the subdivision.  He stated that he has brought eight (8) copies of updated plans, and although he realizes it is short notice for the Board and staff to review them, he would be more than happy to go through the checklist and updated plans with the Board now.  Mr. Vasques stated that although some requirements on the checklist will be addressed by NH DES when they go to the State for subdivision approval, there are still a number of items on the checklist that will not be addressed by the State and are necessary for the Board’s approval including location of the zoning district boundaries, numbering sequence for lot numbers, location of buffers and setbacks, etc.  He stated that had the staff received the updated plans before hand, they would have had time to review it and update the Board’s checklist.

Chairman Edwards stated that he thinks it would be most appropriate for Mr. Hayes to meet with the Planning Department and go through the updated plans and checklist rather than having the Board go through it tonight for the very first time.  Mr. Hayes stated that the difficulty is the element of time and explained that his client would like to transfer the property prior to the end of the year.  Chairman Edwards replied that it is only the first week of November and doesn’t see an issue with timing if Mr. Hayes can meet with the Planning Department, revise the plans, and come back in front of the Board at the next meeting on November 16, 2006.  Mr. Sawich concurred with the Chairman, stating that he would be more comfortable with a more substantially complete application, Mr. Snow agreed.  

Chairman Edwards suggested that over the next two weeks, the Board could schedule a site walk on the property in order to see the site and speed up the application process since timing is an issue.  Mr. Vasques suggested to Mr. Hayes to meet with the Planning Department early next week, if he is available, in order to take care of as many items on the checklist as possible before the site walk.  Mr. Vasques provided Mr. Hayes with the current checklist.

The Board and Mr. Hayes agreed to schedule a site walk for Thursday, November 9, 2006 at 4:00 PM and agreed to meet at the corner of Rt. 31 and Old North Branch Road, close to Rt. 9, or the existing driveway on the lot.  Chairman Edwards continued the public meeting to Thursday, November 16, 2006 at 7:30 PM, after the Board conducts the site walk, and thanked the applicants and Mr. Hayes.  

Watts, Sean and Kim – Cluster Housing (Conceptual Consultation), File #2006-24PB:  
Chairman Edwards opened the conceptual consultation on the request of Sean and Kim Watts regarding a potential twenty-eight (28) lot major subdivision on two (2) parcels of land on the south side of Rt. 9 in the northwest corner of Antrim.  Ms. Watts explained that they are considering purchasing two parcels in Antrim: 1) an eight (8) acre lot with frontage on the south side of Rt. 9 (Tax Map 9, Lot 70) and 2) a three hundred and thirty (330) acre lot to the south of the other, on the opposite side of Old Keene Road (Tax Map 9, Lot 69).  She stated that they are thinking about creating a subdivision on these two (2) lots because of its convenient location off of Rt. 9, stating that it would be appropriate for professionals that may need to commute to Concord or Keene.  She explained that they are thinking about doing the subdivision in two phases: the first consisting of a small circle drive with approximately twelve (12) to thirteen (13) lots and the second consisting of an extension of the road to another circle drive with an additional twelve (12) to seventeen (17) lots.  Mr. Watts stated that NH DOT will only allow them one (1) curb cut onto Rt. 9 and that would most likely be the existing curb cut for the eight (8) acre lot (Tax Map 9, lot 70).  He stated that they would need to build a road with a forty (40) ft. wide access onto Rt. 9, across from Lovern Mills Road, and they would most likely save the rest of that eight (8) acre lot to be sold last for some sort of commercial entity such as a convenience store or restaurant.

The Board asked the applicants if they would consider a cluster housing development as well as a conventional subdivision.  The Board also advised the applicants of their desire to create more cluster housing developments in town, which are consistent with the goals of the Master Plan, and utilize current smart growth techniques.  The applicants stated that they plan on doing individual wells and septic systems for each lot and have considered creating some sort of common/ recreation area consisting of a playground and picnic areas.  They stated that the larger lot has some steep slopes and approximately five (5) large wetland complexes on it, so the number of lots will range from twenty five (25) to thirty (30), depending on the location of these natural features.  Mr. Vasques advised the applicants that Old Keene Road would have to be brought up to Class 5 specifications and funds would need to be available in order for the Town Engineer to conduct a peer review and inspect the construction of the roads.  There was also some considerable discussion regarding whether the subdivision could include some commercial lots or mixed use buildings.  

Administrative/Approve Planning Board Minutes:  1) Mr. Snow made a motion to approve the minutes of the September 28, 2006 meeting as corrected which was seconded by Mr. Rowehl and unanimously passed.  2) Ms. Wasserloos made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 5, 2006 meeting as corrected which was seconded by Ms. Allen and unanimously passed.  3) Mr. Rowehl made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 19, 2006 meeting as corrected which was seconded by Mr. Genest and unanimously passed.  4) Ms. Wasserloos made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 10, 2006 meeting as corrected which was seconded by Mr. Sawich and unanimously passed.  5) Ms. Allen made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 12, 2006 meeting as corrected which was seconded by Ms. Wasserloos and unanimously passed.

Cutter - Replace in kind in the 25’ Wetland Buffer:  Mr. Vasques advised the Board of an issue the Building Inspector, Jeff Parsons, brought up regarding a replace in kind of a portion of a home owned by Kevin M. and Alice M. Cutter on 99 Clinton Road (Rt. 31) in Antrim, NH 03440 (Tax Map 1C, Lot 77) in the Rural Zoning District.  Mr. Vasques explained that Mr. Cutter has applied for a demolition and building permit to replace in kind a room of the home on the lot that is approximately ten (10) to fifteen (15) feet from Great Brook.  He stated that the work will include a new foundation being built in the exact same footprint as the old one with no expansion or increase in volume or area.  Mr. Vasques explained that the necessary work to improve the foundation and replace the room would entail disturbance to the ground within the twenty five (25) foot wetland setback area and therefore would require a Special Use Permit from the Planning Board.  Mr. Vasques explained that if the Board requires that a Special Use Permit be obtained, Mr. Cutter would have to go through a formal application with the Board for a minor site plan review.

Mr. Vasques stated that essentially the question is how does the Board want to interpret the requirement for a Special Use Permit to disturb the wetland buffer zone?  Does it apply in this case or not considering that the improvements to the home are a replace in kind and will be kept to the original footprint of the building?  Chairman Edwards stated that if the Board could require the necessary safeguards to protect the brook and ensure that any disturbance to the Brook will be restored to previous conditions, then he would have no problem waiving the Special Use Permit requirement.  

After a lengthy discussion, the Board decided to waive the requirement in this instance for a Special Use Permit to disturb the wetland buffer area, but instead required that a letter be sent from the Planning Department to the Building Inspector outlining the Board’s requirements that the Building Inspector will ensure that the work be done with the following conditions:
1)      Ensure that the reconstruction is done in the original building footprint.
2)      Ensure that BMPs (Best Management Practices) for erosion control are followed in order to prevent sediment from entering the Brook.
3)      Inspections conducted frequently to ensure compliance.
4)      Prevent the riverbank from being disturbed and require that all areas within the wetland setback area be restored to their former state.

Ms. Allen stated that the Board wants to ensure that Mr. Cutter uses due diligence to protect the stream since it is such a delicate place and situation.  Mr. Vasques stated that the letter will be drafted and sent pending confirmation that the work will be restrained to the existing footprint and will be done to a portion of the house rather than the entire house.

Torino – Variance to the Wetland Overlay District as applied to Cluster Housing?, File #2006-23PB:  Mr. Vasques advised the Board about the dilemma regarding the proposed Torino Cluster Housing Development on Tax Map 7, Lot 102-1 off of Rt. 202, near the NH DOT rest area, in the Highway Business District.  He stated that essentially the dilemma is that there is a conflict between two different zoning ordinances.  Mr. Vasques explained that the Town has two overlay zoning districts: wetlands and the steep slopes, which require a certain amount of contiguous uplands dependent on the slope of the land, and these overlay zoning districts are in direct conflict with the current Cluster Housing Development regulations that state that: “…the density, lot size, frontage, setback and yard requirements may be reduced to less than the requirements that apply to a conventional lot in the zoning district where the cluster development is proposed.”  Mr. Vasques stated that all lot yield calculations that are done for conventional subdivisions should include the requirements from the wetlands and steep slope overlay districts however, when a cluster housing development is proposed instead of a conventional subdivision, the Board must decide whether to hold strictly to the requirements of these overlay districts in terms of minimum lot sizes or to use their discretion to determine what they will allow as minimum lot sizes under the authority granted to them by the Cluster Housing Development ordinance.  

Mr. Vasques explained that he spoke with Town Counsel about this issue and Bart Mayer stated that technically the overlay zoning districts take precedence over all other underlying zoning districts and these overlay districts come into effect whenever a lot has wetlands on it or the slope of the terrain is anywhere from 15 – 25% slope.  Mr. Vasques explained that although the cluster housing development ordinance allows the Board to reduce the minimum lot sizes, under the current zoning ordinances, these minimum lot sizes cannot be reduced to less than what is allowed in these overlay zoning districts which may vary from sixty-eight thousand (68,000) square feet to eighty-six thousand (86,000) square feet per lot, depending on the slope of the land and the presence of wetlands.  Mr. Vasques stated that this applicant must be heard under the current ordinances and regulations that are in place.

Mr. Vasques stated that forcing developers to strictly adhere to these overlay zoning districts’ minimum lot size requirements essentially negates the idea of cluster housing subdivisions and allowing for much smaller minimum lot sizes.  Mr. Vasques advised the Board that Mr. Pace stated that if he is forced to comply with these overlay zoning districts, then he may just go with a conventional subdivision design rather than a cluster housing development.  Mr. Vasques explained to the Board that Mr. Pace feels he can make a good case for why a cluster housing development is better than a conventional subdivision and suggests that he appear in front of the Zoning Board of Adjustment to get a variance to the overlay zoning districts’ minimum lot size requirements.  Mr. Vasques stated that Mr. Pace would only spend the time and money of going to the Zoning Board of Adjustment if he could get a preliminary consensus from the Planning Board that they approve of the proposed number of lots and their sizes.

After a lengthy discussion regarding the cluster housing subdivision design, the Board reached a consensus that the overlay zoning districts do override or take precedence over the cluster housing development ordinance but the Board will not take a position or provide a preliminary consensus of approval on the subdivision design until more analysis can be provided regarding how the lot yield calculations were obtained and how the zoning overlay district requirements’ will affect this yield calculation.  Mr. Sawich stated that he would like to see an analysis between a lot yield calculation done with the overlay zoning districts’ requirements taken into account and a lot yield calculation which disregards the requirements of these overlay zoning districts.  Mr. Sawich stated that in this way, he can directly compare the number of lots that the tract could yield under the two different scenarios, and the Board can decide how detrimental the requirements of these overlay zoning districts are to this particular proposed cluster housing development.  Mr. Sawich explained that he doesn’t feel comfortable overriding zoning ordinance requirements for no apparent reason if there is another viable alternative; there needs to be a compelling reason, and benefit to the Town, in order to override these overlay zoning districts’ requirements.  Chairman Edwards agreed and stated that he thinks it is a dangerous precedent to set to advise applicants to get a variance from the Zoning Board of Adjustment regarding these overlay zoning districts.  

The Board also decided that they would like to see the lot yield calculation done without the commercial lot included so that a conventional subdivision design without a commercial area wouldn’t result in a cluster housing subdivision with the same number of lots and a commercial irregular lot.  Ms. Allen stated that the original lot yield for the tract under a conventional subdivision design allowed for twelve (12) lots or housing units while the cluster housing development included eight (8) lots with twelve (12) housing units and a potential commercial lot; the lot yield between the two different subdivision designs are not equal and can’t be compared.  Ms. Rabideau also cited a section of the Cluster Housing Development Ordinance which states that one of the purposes of these types of developments is: “To enable flexibility in layout of residential developments,” (Article XIV, O.1.c.).  She stated that the entire ordinance doesn’t address commercial lots or mixed use units at all.  Mr. Houseworth reminded the Board of the Torino Site Walk on November 4, 2006 at 9:00 AM.

Tyler – Letter regarding Deed for the Merger of Two (2) Lots, File #2006-16PB:  Mr. Vasques advised the Board of a letter from Chairman Edwards to James Tyler requiring him to obtain a deed for the merger of the two lots and the deletion of the lot line for his commercial property, Tyler’s Small Engine Repair, on Concord Street in the Village Business District.  Mr. Vasques explained that the letter requires Mr. Tyler to provide a deed to the Planning Department by Nov. 15, 2006.  If Mr. Tyler doesn’t provide the deed, on November 16, 2006 the Board will decide on whether they want to issue a cease and desist.  Chairman Edwards advised the Board that he hand delivered the letter to Mr. Tyler and reviewed the letter with him, stating the urgency of the situation.

Tyler – NH DES Dredge and Fill Application (Boards Response), File #2006-16PB: Mr. Vasques asked the Board if they want to comment on the NH DES Standard Dredge and Fill application from James Tyler regarding filling the wetlands in order to construct another driveway on the Tyler’s Small Engine Repair property to allow access on to Elm Street, which essentially goes through the truck and trailer rental parking lot that was just approved by the Board.  Ms. Allen stated that she would like to respond to the State permit by stating that the proposed driveway that allows access onto Elm Street essentially goes through a parking lot area that was just approved by the Antrim Planning Board.  Mr. Vasques stated that he thinks a letter should be drafted by the Chairman of the Board to NH DES regarding their comments.

Homes at High Hills: Directive regarding Road Construction, File #2005-05PB:  Mr. Vasques advised the Board of a letter that was sent to Ms. Kate Cook of Kateco Developing, LLC regarding the Board’s decision at the Oct. 19, 2006 Board meeting that after review of the October 4 and October 11 daily reports for the road construction at the Homes at High Hills subdivision, the Board directed T.R. Thibeault & Sons to provide Mr. Pitsas with the requested drawings noting the proposed elevations for the subbase on Green Ridge Road.  The Board also directed T.R. Thibeault & Sons to provide Mr. Pitsas with any revised drawings that are requested and to take whatever corrective action Mr. Pitsas deems necessary in regards to the construction of the road.  Mr. Vasques stated that should T.R. Thibeault & Sons not comply with these directives, the Board has authorized Mr. Pitsas to issue a stop work order on the entire road construction project (or any portion thereof) until the issue is resolved.

Capital Improvement Plan (Snow):  Mr. Snow advised the Board that he has finished inputting all of the capital improvement data into the Plan-IT software and has printed out some CIP reports from this software.  He stated that he has sent reports to all of the CIP committee members and the next meeting is scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 11, 2006 at 9 AM.

Master Plan:  Mr. Houseworth advised the Board that the next Master Plan meeting has not yet been scheduled.  Mr. Vasques added that the next Route 9 Study Committee Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 8, 2006 at 7:00 PM in the Antrim Town Hall.

Excavation Sites: Mr. Vasques stated that he is trying to set up a meeting with the Excavation Sites Inspector to conduct the annual inspection on all excavation sites in Town.

Ordinance & Regulations – Suggested Changes to Definitions (Sawich):  After providing the necessary handout for this topic, Chairman Edwards moved this agenda issue to the Boards’ ‘Work Session’ public meeting on Thursday, Nov. 9 at 7 PM.

Ordinance & Regulations – Driveway Permit Application Form:  Mr. Vasques advised the Board of a draft revision of the driveway permit form that has been completed by the Planning Department.  After a short discussion, the Boards’ consensus was that more work needs to be done to the driveway permit form to clear up which regulations the Road Agent is responsible for enforcing and which the Building Inspector is responsible for enforcing.  The Board decided to review the permit during the meeting on Thursday, Nov. 9 at 7 PM.

Ordinance & Regulations – Minimum Lot Size for Duplex Housing w/ 5+ bedrooms:  Mr. Houseworth provided a memo to the Board proposing that a fourth requirement be added to the Section F (Minimum Lot Size) of Article XI – Wetlands Overlay District regarding Duplex dwellings with more than five bedrooms.  The Board decided to review the memo and address it at the next public meeting on Thursday, Nov. 9 at 7 PM.

Ordinance & Regulations – Home Based Occupations/ Businesses: Input from Board?:  After providing the necessary handout for this topic, Chairman Edwards moved this agenda issue to the Boards’ ‘Work Session’ public meeting on Thursday, Nov. 9 at 7 PM.

Planning Department 2007 Budget Review:  Mr. Vasques provided a draft of the Planning Department’s 2007 Budget to the Board for review.  The Board discussed a number of issues regarding the Budget.

Mr. Snow moved that the meeting be adjourned.  Mr. Sawich seconded the motion which unanimously passed.  Mr. Edwards adjourned the meeting at 12:00 AM.

Respectfully submitted,

Bradley J. Houseworth, Planning Technician

Antrim Planning Board